Export a Half-Life2 SMD from 3ds max. Supports Physique, Skin, and Bones Pro. Supports blending of vertices.
Also included is a compiled version of the Valve VTA exporter used in creating facial animations using the morpher modifer.
Version 2.04 Release Notes:
- Added support for ranges when exporting animations.
- You can use the material name instead of diffuse texture.
- Includes a maxscript interface which allows you to call the exporter directly.
- Only the max 9 and 2010 exporters are updated.
Version 2.03 Release Notes:
- Added support for Export Selected... Note: if you select a model, but not the bones, the model will be exported without the bones. I am looking into a fix for this, but it may be a while.
Version 2.02 Release Notes:
- Fixed an issue where a texture assigned to a model instead of the faces of the model would be ignored during export.
- Added an option to flip normals of the model and removed the popup when using the skin modifier.
Version 2.01
- Added Skin modifier support
(any requests, bug reports, etc)
Loads both reference and animation SMD's. Supports weights in
the SMD file and will create a skin modifier for the reference model. Rebuilds
the smoothing groups from the vertex normals in the SMD file - This can take
some time if the model is large.
You can load a reference SMD and then load an animation SMD and it will apply
the animation to the reference model (This sometimes ends up with weird results.
I'm not sure why)
New Version 0.1.3 Released
- Fixed bitmap import dialog to show desired file name
- More Fixes to animation import
(any requests, bug reports, etc)
Looking for a vtf importer so you don't have to convert those textures to tga's ?